Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

We have had lots of Halloween fun. We "bedazzled" our pumpkins with lots of glitter.

McKell is pretty much obsessed with the peace sign right now.

Love the polka dots

The "boy" version of glitter pumpkins.

Had a fun family night at the Pumpkin Walk

McKell got to dress up for a dance party, school Halloween parade and trick-or-treating.

McKell loved her "Twister" costume. It was cute!

For the most part a great October, I can't believe it is over. I do have a few Halloween gripes, of course. How old is too old for trick-or-treating? We had some college-age students come. On the plus side they did tell me I had picked the best candy to give. We also had a few high school boys. I couldn't even get my high school boy to put on a costume to go to a party. How young is too young for trick-or-treating? I had a mom and a dad come with a baby, probably like 4 months old. The baby was dressed up, but the parents said they had to wake him up to come trick-or-treating. My question? How is the baby going to eat the candy? Also, last one - I had two kids come with a mom and dad, the kids each took a treat for their bag. Then the mom reached over and grabbed a few to put in a grocery sack that was packed full for herself. The dad started to step up onto the porch to grab one for his also full grocery sack and I conveniently shut my screen door. Maybe I'm just being mean, but I was bugged. However, I do love when kids in my neighborhood come and especially my students from school. It is so fun to see them.

Also, does anyone out there know why my blog won't say it has been updated on other blog lists? It keeps saying the last time it has been updated was 4 weeks ago. Let me know.


Brittney said...

i'm kind of shocked about the trick-or-treating madness of adults. 4-month-olds getting woken up?!?!?! hoo boy. interesting.

love the twister costume and the bedazzled pumpks. bring on november, eh? :)

JoLynn said...

Hey Jennifer, I found and LOVE you blog. Hope it's okay if I drop in once in a while. Your pumpkins are creative and cute! So is your cute daughter! She is growing up fast.

Allison Holt said...

I LOVE the pumpkins!!! I probably would have said something to the Mom and Dad that wanted a candy.... Get real people! I don't know what's up with your blog, but I wish you would figure it out! McKell looks SOOOOO cute! Love the costume!

Tasha said...

Love, love, love those pumpkins! That Twister costume was such a cute idea. She looks adorable!!

Brittney said...

I loved seeing your glittered pumpkins! They were so cute! And it was so fun to come trick or treating to your house! I think it is so crazy that the parents were expecting to get candy too! Weird!

That is crazy that all the lists say your blog didn't update! Weird. I am not sure what is going on.