Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fun-Filled February

We have had a lot of visiting going on this month. Derek's parents came for his birthday and then Greg and Tasha came over President's Day weekend for a few days. McKell and Payton had lots of fun rolling out and decorating Valentine cookies.

Grandma sent us some yummy Valentine treats.

We went bowling and had lots of fun. I think Braxton won both games.

I judged a drill team competition in Idaho and we were able to spend some time with family. We went swimming at Green Canyon to celebrate my nephew's birthday.


Brittney said...

Looks like you guys had fun Feb.

Kristie Lemons said...

we always love when you come to see us. We had a great time even though we had an extra. I like to act like I know a judge at the competitions

Adam and Aubrey said...

Mckell is such a gorgeous little gal. That's awesome that you judge competitions. I would love to be a judge of something, just so then my opinion would matter. But alas, I have no skills.