Friday, April 16, 2010

"Honest Abe"

Doesn't Derek make a great Abraham Lincoln? McKell had to present a "book talk" for her class. She could either do a power point or dress up to present it. However, she was completely against dressing up herself as Abe. Our answer - make Dad do it. And he was happy to.


Adam and Aubrey said...

That's an awesome Abe! I love it!

Jill said...

Great costume and what a good dad for helping a girl out.

Allison Holt said...

Der should wear that get up on a regular basis! Looks like fun!

Kristin said...

What a greate Dad. I'll have to show this to Jeremy. ;)

Kristin said...

great Dad...I can't spell today.

Brittney said...

I LOVE this! honestly. derek, don't take this the wrong way, but you were born in the wrong century. that hat is the best.

also, i wanted to pass the word onto you guys (and anyone else!) that we're having a going-away party for the hannis at our house tomorrow (friday april 23rd) at 7:00. the more the merrier; come for a few minutes, or hang out for the entire jazz game (starts at 8:30). if you come (which i hope is the case...and tell derek it's a u.s. presidents-themed costume party...hah!), we're asking everyone to bring a dessert/snack to share.

hope you all can come! love, britt