Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jr. Prom

A few weeks ago, Braxton went to Jr. Prom:)

The answer. His date left this cute flower on his jeep one night.

The corsage. It was beautiful, complete with red feathers and silver ribbon. I loved it. I guess his date did too.

The tuxedo. He thought it was really cool to wear a tux and he looked so handsome.

The date. He went with Madi and they had a fabulous time. I am so glad he went, his high school years are coming to an end too quickly.


Allison Holt said...

He looks so grown up! His date is super cute! I'm glad he's living up his high school years! They go by way to fast!

Michelle said...

I can't believe how grown up he is and how handsome. So fun to see what you and your kids are up to. I went and saw your mom and dad the other day. Life is insane, isn't it? We love you guys!

Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh man! He is so handsome! I hope he does enjoy every second and every dance he possibly can! It's over faster than you think! I am lovin that tux!

Kristin said...

Your son is all grown up and handsome! Does that make you a little sad (the grown up part)? ;)Great pics!!!

Nan said...

I agree, high school is going to quickly. How do we slow it down? Braxton looked pretty handsome.