Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Miss McKell is quite the little rockstar. She never stops moving. She loves to sing, dance, drum, and sometimes just be crazy.

One night her and Cam decided to put on a concert. Cam played drums and sometimes the guitar while McKell sang and danced.

Derek and I were invited to watch the very loud concert put on by the "Bedazzled Heroes." Yes, a name they made up themselves.

About a week later she rocked out at the Justin Bieber movie. I love the poses she is always doing. She has never been one to shy away from the camera. Sometimes I feel like her personal paparazzi:)
Here she is with Berkley and Meg rocking out to Thriller at school for an activity with our principal.
I wouldn't trade her rockstar personality for anything. She is tons of fun. And today she even rocked the school spelling bee and took 5th place. She is the best.


Nan said...

What fun! These kids grow up so fast. It sounds like you're enjoying every moment.

The Taylor's said...

Mc-Jaggar! She's growing up- funny to see what all the tweens are into these days.

Allison Holt said...

Love the Justin Bieber pose! Looks like she is having a lot of fun!