Monday, June 20, 2011

Tea Time, Again:)

We had so much fun at our tea party last year that we just had to do it again. It was fabulous!

Savanna made this sign to welcome everyone to, "The Royal Tea Party."

Savanna sang a song to get us started.

We used our best manners and did our fanciest poses.

We had a yummy lunch and lots of treats.

And ended with a kids photo shoot since Tasha had all her props and fun stuff. The picture above and the pictures below (minus the one of McKell were taken by McKell, she set up the shots and took the pictures, overall she did a pretty good job.) Here is Olivia and Raegan - we missed you Haylie!

McKell loved to dress up in her tutu and this huge feathered hairpiece. Just her style!

Preslie, Lauren, Savanna, and Ava

Jace, Rylee, Jaden

Payton and Halle

We still didn't have everyone there because Haylie had a softball tournament. So, we will try to get 100% next year. I can't wait!


Nan said...

McKell is lucky to have so many girl cousins. No wonder you like to go up to Idaho Falls as often as possible.

Adam and Aubrey said...

You guys do the funnest things! I love that tea part idea, what a fun way for cousins to get together!

Jensens said...

Love this tradition! And McKell did a great job with the picture taking.