Saturday, September 17, 2011

Growing Up and Moving On

This beautiful girl is growing up and has moved on to middle school. She looked so grown up on her first day of 6th grade. So far, she thinks middle school has been boring. She has some fun teachers and has already made a lot of new friends.

Here she is on her first day of elementary school with her Kindergarten teacher, Miss Dopp.

And her first day of middle school. She is growing up too fast!


Jensens said...

So cute! McKell has always been an adorable girl. And, funny thing, I knew Miss Dopp when she was McKell's age. She grew up about 4 blocks from us. That is amazing to see Braxton's too. You are such a good mom!!

Brittney said...

NO WAY!!! I can't believe she is getting so old! And what cute pictures!! She is so adorable, I thought she was the cutest baby and she just keeps getting cuter!