Monday, June 21, 2010

Dance, Dance, Dance

We just finished up the end of dance this year. As always, it was 3 nights of recitals. The first 2 nights are the same show and this year it was, "The Greatest Show on Earth."

This cute (and crazy) dancer got to be a clown and was great. It was a really cute circus-themed night.She loved all the clown makeup and the big star around her left eye. The last night is a completely different show and showcases all the competitive numbers of the studio. It really is a fabulous night of dance. Grandma, Tasha, Payton, Halle, Lauren and Allison all joined us to watch McKell. (Thanks, it means so much.)

McKell was in 3 competitive dances this year.

"Rockin' Robin" - Here she is with Meg before the show.

"Move, Shake, Drop"

And "Party Time" - Here she is in action on the front right doing a toe touch.

Fun times, I love watching this little dancer!


Allison Holt said...

I'm glad I was able to come this year! It was great! McKell was of course the best!

Adam and Aubrey said...

McKell makes the cutest clown ever. I hope to be able to see her dance sometime!

The Taylor's said...

I love watching dancers. Too bad I had enrichment stuff that weekend. Looks like some fun dances.

Nan said...

She's going to be a great dancer, just like her momma.