Friday, October 3, 2008

"Locking The Church"

Last Sunday I was asked to check the church each night and make sure it was locked up for the week. The first night as I was leaving to go check the church Braxton asked to go. When I got to the garage Braxton was already in the driver's seat of the Jeep - he wanted to drive. I thought it would be okay so I got in the passenger's seat and got strapped in.
Braxton backed out of the garage slowly and out onto the road - we were off. He did a really good job that night. He drove the three blocks to the church and then drove back home after. We were careful not to tell Jen that he was the driver.
I let Brax drive to the church each night I went to lock the church. We had our own little code for "locking the church". As we left home one night for the church I told Braxton he could drive wherever he wanted for five minutes. He drove by as many houses of his friends as he could in the time.
He was doing a great job of slowing down at each intersection and checking for cars. I had to remind him that he didn't need to stop at each intersection but it was good that he was careful.
The last night of locking the church McKell came along. She was a little surprised and expressed her concern when Brax was allowed to drive. I had Brax drive us to the gas station for pop and candy bars all around.
I am sure that we will have to go "lock the church" more often now. I remember driving with Meme, Mom, and Dad when I young - it was so fun and I felt so old. It won't be too long until he has his learner's permit - then we will go for much longer drives. Until then we will keep it in the neighborhood - so be on the lookout for a green Jeep, the young driver will have a HUGE smile on his face.


Trish said...

You've got to be kidding me? I can't believe Brax is behind the wheel. Where does the time go. He is such a stud!!!

Adam and Aubrey said...

Wow. Can't believe he's old. That means I'm old. Yikes! I'll steer clear of your jeep!