McKell pretending to be a shopkeeper. She thought the cash register was great. Lauren, McKell, and Hollie anchoring the news. Allison said Hollie was wonderful at reading the teleprompter and broadcasting the breaking news of an old woman swallowing a horse. Maybe a night job for her when her day job as mom is over. (ha, ha)
McKell, Lauren, and Savanna doing the weather forecast.
Lauren and McKell - these two are 3 weeks apart in age and have always been close. They have a lot of the same interests and always have fun together. Although we have never lived super close to them, these two have been best of friends. When we go to grandma's house they always have to have a sleepover and will stay up all night talking.
Me, Allison, and Hollie
It was hard to say goodbye and will be different when we go for a visit to Idaho and have them not be there, but with free long distance, I'm sure we will be talking just as much. Just ask Braxton - he says all I do is talk on the phone with my sisters and according to him one time with Hollie I was on for 181 minutes. I don't know?? I wish them the best and can't wait to go and visit them.
It was a fun day, But very hard to see them go! I wish the best for them as well.. It was great seeing you guys!
Me and my kids also had a hard time saying goodbye. I started crying when I was going down her front sidewalk and when I got in the car Haylie was sitting in there crying to. I will miss them alot.
That discovery museum is a lot of fun, Tai loves it! Saying goodbye to your sister would be so hard, I only am a couple hours away and I feel like it is hard enough! And I don't blame you for talking alot on the phone to your sister- I totally do!
I am sooooooo Sorry I forgot to invite you to Aub's shower! I was so out of it, in fact we forgot to invite my mom too! Luckily we found out in advance. And Aub was pretty upset at me she really likes you, I like you too! Sorry!
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