Saturday, January 9, 2010

Date Night

Jen and I have entered an interesting chapter in our lives where every once in awhile both of the kids are at their friends house and it is just the two of us - we actually really like it. Last night was one of those nights so Jen and I decided to have a little date night.

We started by going out to dinner at El Toro, our favorite place to eat in Logan, and then headed to Hollywood Video (I am a little embarrassed to admit the next part) and rented a couple of episodes of Gilmore Girls.

We watched a couple of episodes and then picked up McKell from her friends. A while later Brax was home and our family was together again, which was great but it meant our date night was over.

I really like spending time with Jen. She is a great wife and my very best friend (sorry Destry you are in 2nd place). I am happy that Jen and I have can enjoy spending time together - just us. I feel lucky to have her in my life. I love you Jen.


Allison Holt said...

OH how tender Der.... Sounds like fun, Thomas and I like to watch Sex and the City episodes.

Kristie Lemons said...

Der, this is such a nice post. It is fun to have date night.

Brittney said...

NO WAY Derek watches Gilmore Girls?!!!! I am very impressed, I have a hard time bribing my husband to watch them with me! Sounds like a fun date night, gotta love El Torro!

Kristin said...

Ahhh...what a sweet post.

I think Jeremy only looks at blogs when I show him so I'll tell him about your girl advice and answer the question about his beard for him.

It's gray...and there's hair gone from on top...oh well, I still love him. :)

Nan said...

Sounds like a lot of fun, Derek. It's always good to like being with your spouse because some day it will be just the two of you :-)