Thursday, September 18, 2008

2nd Place

If I was a sports writer and had been assigned to follow and write about Braxton’s football team over the last several years it would have been a joy. The team has won most of their games, a lot of the games their opponent didn’t score, and they even went a whole season without a losing a game.

However, this week’s game is hard to write about - 2nd place, okay, it was a loss. They played Highland up in Pocatello. When we got there in the first part of the second quarter Logan was ahead 12 to 7. The teams traded touchdowns throughout the game but Highland ended up with the win.

The boys played hard and there were some good things our team did – a touchback, a couple of fumble recoveries, and a stripped ball ran back to a touchdown.

We had a lot of family support again this week. Terrell and Siri, Don and Delain, Kristie (and kids), and Hollie (and kids) all came. The little girls did a great job of making sure Braxton (as well as everyone in the stands and on the field) knew where we were seated and that we supported him.

Braxton (and team) had to walk by us on the way to the bus so we were at least able to talk to him briefly after the game - he is awesome. The team was pretty upset about the loss – but that is good it will help them fight harder the next time.

After the game we all went to Perkins for dinner. The food was good but I hope that there is a waiter in Pocatello looking for a new job today. Maybe I am being too harsh - he must have just gotten the buffet room we were in confused with a prison cafeteria.

A big thanks for all of the family support – it meant a lot.


Allison Holt said...

The Game was fun... Brax sure did have a lot of support.... The waiter.... Total jerk face...Derek I think he left some cigarette butts in your salad.....Thanks for letting me ride up with you guys and paying my way into the game all I had was a debt card...Thanks again

Kristie Lemons said...

We had a great time at the game and the dinner at perkins, well we probably won't forget it. See, we made a memory.